5 Secrets to keep your Clients coming back

There’s more to creating a successful lash business than being a good lash artist - you have to also be business savvy! The first step towards having a successful salon is to have clients that keep coming back. It’s much more efficient to serve a clientele that you know well than having to constantly find and serve one-time clients.
Luckily we have for you here 5 straight-forward tips to help you build and expand your loyal clientele:
1. Book their next appointment immediately
Take about a minute right after your client finishes their appointment to ask them to book their refill. This gives them much more incentive to go to your salon again, after all they’ve already booked!
Your clients are (probably) busy people, so here's a few questions that you can ask while booking their next schedule:
- Would you like to book the same time slot, or would you like to try a different day and time of the week?
- Would you like to book the same service or try something new next time?
- What can I do to make scheduling your next appointment easier for you?
Figure out how you and your clients can fit your busy schedules together right after your appointments, and you will have yourself a very loyal clientele.
2. Form a personal connection
Creating a friendly atmosphere like therapeutic services to make clients feel at ease is an easy way to build strong connections and increase bookings for follow-up services.
Before or during the service, you can ask a few questions to increase your bonding with your customers.
Always remember that first impressions are very important. You can use some of the following questions to increase your connection and the chances of customers next booking
- Is this your first time getting eyelash extensions?
- Why you want to do eyelash extension? Is there a special occasion coming up or did you get recommended by someone?
- Are you familiar with how lash extensions work, and how to take care of them (and your natural lashes)?
When the clients start to return, you can ask more personal questions and become friends with them. Ask a few friendly questions, remember some details about them between the appointments, and send a few text messages between appointments and ask if their sets still hold up. Here's a few examples:
- How has your day been so far?
- How is work or school going for you?
- Any problems with your lashes extensions recently?
- Did you get compliments from your colleagues the last time you did eyelash extension with us?
Sometimes you don't even have to ask questions - your clients may be comfortable enough to initiate personal conversation with you! In those cases, be a good listener for them. You certainly don't have to be their professional therapist, but you can be a friend they can talk to!
Aside from excellent eyelash extensions and good service, by choosing the right questions for each client file, it's easier to figure out how to make them loyal customers to your salon.
3. Be creative and keep up with trends
We are a lash artists. There are really good lash maps and tutorials out there, but you certainly don’t have to follow those to the letter. Don’t be afraid to be creative with your work, and break the rules like an artist! Your customers are very likely to visit again if you constantly have new styles to offer them!
On top of that, don't wait until your clients ask you for new style - you can suggest new looks for them once every now and then. Clients appreciate it when you look for ways to help them look even better! Just don't be forceful about it
4. Buy good quality supplies
Aside from your skills, the quality of the lashes you use is crucial to making a good lash set and increasing your customer’s satisfaction. Set yourself a standard when it comes to lash quality, and never choose anything lesser than that even if they are a lot cheaper! You may need to pay attention to the following characteristics when deciding to choose a distributor for your salon.
- Material: thin, light, and natural-looking are the 3 characteristics that not only you, but also your clients will be looking for. Remember, the client's real lashes are very fragile and fall easily. If you get lashes that are too bulky, they will cause discomfort to your clients and damage their natural lashes.
- Lash fans' stem: when buying premade fans, the thinner their stems are, the better! Smaller stems adhere much easier to your clients natural lashes and makes lash sets last much longer. They also just look better on your clients lash line - something your clients will appreciate!
- Quantity and variety: Finding a supplier with a wide range of lashes, curls and lengths will save your salon a lot of time and money. Don't waste your time searching for a different supplier every time you need a new type of product. Use your precious time to get more clients, practice your skills to take your salon to the next level!
Check out our handmade lash products here, for high quality lashes at reasonable prices!
5. Reward loyalty
When you have clients that keep showing up, it’s a good idea to reward their patronage! It doesn’t have to be extravagant: a small discount, a little gift, a complimentary service, anything you can come up with! Make sure your clients know you truly appreciate them!
One popular style of reward you can try is a punch card. Give them a loyalty reward for every fifth visit, for example. This gives your clients something to look forward to when they keep visiting your salon!