How To Recognize A Lash Allergy

Every lash technician's spine tingles when they hear the words "lash allergy." And with good reason. You effectively lose a client once they develop one, especially if the majority of your job involves lash extensions.
It's unfortunate, but the comfort and safety of your clients should always come first. When one of them calls you crying after a lash appointment because they think they're allergic, you need to be prepared to help them the best you can.
What is a lash allergy?
When someone has an allergic reaction to their lash extensions, the most common cause is cyanoacrylate, which is found in all lash extension glues. It is an irritant for the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Despite what some companies claim, there are currently no hypoallergenic glues on the market, meaning there are no alternatives that will completely eliminate allergies.
Unfortunately, lash extensions are not available to people who are allergic to this chemical ingredient. In addition, lash glue allergy isn't always present. Your client might be well one day and then have an allergic reaction on their second, third, or even twenty-fifth visit.
Is it a lash allergy or something else?
First and foremost, if your client has a reaction, you should always refer them to their doctor so that they can be correctly diagnosed. In the meanwhile, you should be aware of what can be causing them problems.
If it's allergy season, for example, it's possible that they're suffering allergic reactions to pollen and other irritants in the air that have nothing to do with their lashes. Another culprit might be a reaction to the glue fumes, or even a chemical burn from the glue due to improperly placed lash pads during application
Whatever the situation, you must put your client's health and comfort first. If you or they fear they may be allergic, do everything you can to assist them, but make sure they see a doctor in order to ensure they aren't allergic.
What can you do to reduce discomfort?
While there isn't much we as lash technicians can do to reverse lash allergies, we can make sure that other concerns that could be mistaken for allergies are addressed. If you're having trouble with glue fumes, make sure the area you're working in is well aired. It may not completely eliminate fumes, but it’s a step forward.
There are, of course, low-fume solutions, so if you know ahead of time that a customer is allergic to glue fumes, be sure to use those and keep your salon stocked.
Chemical burns can be avoided with ease. All you have to do is be cautious about where you put the pads. Maintain a distance of 0.5-1mm between your pads and the waterline.
They should never be touching the waterline or the glands. This way, you can keep your client's eye-safe while firmly securing bottom lashes. The pad will not touch any gland or eyeball and the possibility for chemical burns is much lower.
Now that you have all of this knowledge, you can relax and focus on making lash magic in your studio, confident in the knowledge that your clients are protected. We have to accept that some of our clients will have lash allergies.
If this occurs, it is your responsibility to provide whatever assistance you can to the client. Although they may not be able to receive lash extensions anymore, you can assist them in maintaining their natural lashes. Everyone, lash allergy or not, deserves to be pampered!
Read more: How to Prevent Eyelash Extension Allergic Reactions
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