Lash Education: Eye Infections

Eye infections can occur when the eye or surrounding eye area is exposed to certain bacteria or organisms. Lash education is essential: as a lash professional, you must educate your clients on the importance of hygiene in order to keep their beautiful eyes free of infection.
If your client exhibits any of the following infection symptoms, we recommend delaying the service until the client has been treated by a healthcare professional and the symptoms have resolved. It is, however, up to you and your best judgment. When the symptoms are not contagious (as in allergic conjunctivitis), it is sometimes safe to proceed with written permission from a healthcare professional. (It's essentially a doctor's note.)
The most common types of eye infections and their symptoms are listed below. We recommend that you educate yourself on these so that you can recognize them and know when it is in your and your client's best interests to advise against performing the service.
1. Lash Education- Allergic Conjunctivitis:
When your eyes are exposed to allergens (such as pets, pollen, dust, mold, and so on), they become watery, red, and itchy. This is the most common among clients, and it can be tricky. Although allergies are not contagious from one client to the next, applying lash extensions to already irritated eyes can significantly worsen the symptoms.
2) Lash Education- Blepharitis:
When the lash follicles are inflamed and red. Bad hygiene, allergies, mites, dandruff, and certain medications all contribute to this. We advise against proceeding with the service because the reaction/symptoms are likely to worsen.
3) Lash Education- Conjunctivitis:
An infection that inflames the conjunctiva of the eye, turning it pink or, in some cases, red. Pink eye is a contagious infection that is easily spread. Do not proceed with the service until the client has been treated and his or her symptoms have subsided.
4) Lash Education- Demodex:
Infection and inflammation are caused by parasites found inside pores and hair follicles. Eye mites are what they're called. Mites live inside pores and can be difficult to identify. However, if your eyes are irritated or inflamed in any way, we advise you not to proceed.
5) Lash Education- Stye:
Bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands, resulting in a red, painful bump or inflamed eye area. When the hair follicle becomes clogged and irritated, styes can form. Styes, while not contagious, require hot compresses to clear up. We recommend deferring the service until the stye has cleared.
It is your responsibility to keep your workstation, tools, and hands free of bacteria that could spread infection or disease. Never apply lash extensions to clients who exhibit any of these symptoms. To protect yourself, we also recommend that all new clients sign a waiver and release form. This form is essential for your lash business because it is a type of insurance that can protect you from certain liabilities that may arise. It is always preferable to be safe than sorry!
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